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Horrible Luck in Poker

For a game where the majority of players occasionally consider fortune, there are lots of folklore in poker. When you mention that a player was lucky in that poker tournament they won, be mindful of how you say it. For example, if you mention that you were unfortunate, your chances may never change.

Ok, that may sound a bit strange, but poker is a casino game armed with superstitions. Did you know that if you are playing a game with two seperate decks and you are asked to pick the deck, you should always select the deck that’s the furthest away from you? Or, what If you get a run of poor cards, you have to hang out on a hankerchief to break your terrible luck? It is certainly considered good fortune to blow through a pack of cards when they are being randomized.

Some other interesting poker superstitions are:

  • You might be able to change the run of cards by passing around your chair 3 times.
  • The luckiest chair at the poker table faces the door.
  • The unluckiest seat has its rear to a fireplace.
  • When altering chairs, you really should constantly do so clockwise.
  • The worst poker card is the 4 of clubs.
  • It is most unfortunate to sit with your legs crossed at the poker table.
  • Monday is a terrible day for wagering on cards.
  • The 13th is also a terrible day, despite when it falls during the week.